
A councillor is a member of the council and is normally elected for a term of four years. People of any political or religious persuasion are eligible to become a councillor, although their personal views should not extend into their parish council work.

They are elected to represent the interests of the local community as a whole and promote a harmonious local environment. The number of elected councillors depends on the size of the area.  Shedfield Parish Council should have 14 Councillors, 8 from each Waltham Chase and 6 fron Shedfield and Shirrell Heath.  We currently have 13 Councillors as we have a vacancy which can be fill by Co-option. (Please contact the Clerk for more information)

Local councils are the first tier of governance and are the first point of contact for anyone concerned with a community issue. They are democratically elected local authorities and exist in England, Wales and Scotland. The term 'local council' is synonymous with 'parish council', 'town council' and 'community council'.

Under the Localism Act 2011 Members of the Council are required to complete a Declaration of Pecuniary Interest covering themselves and their spouse/partner. These declarations can be found at www.winchester.gov.uk/councillors-committees/parish-councils 

Addendum: Please contact the Clerk in the first instance on any Council matter.  We look forward to hearing from you. 

The Parish of Shedfield is also supported by one County Councillor and six District Councillors, as Waltham Chase is in the Central Meon Valley Ward and both Shedfield and Shirrell Heath are in the Whiteley & Shedfield Ward.  The committees they attend and their contact details can be found via the following links: 

https://democracy.winchester.gov.uk/mgMemberIndex.aspx?bcr=1        https://democracy.hants.gov.uk/mgMemberIndex.aspx?bcr=1

Committee Members from January 2025

Rays of sunshine coming up through clouds

Francesca Byrne
Shedfield/Shirrell Heath
Open Spaces/Planning/Finance

Rays of sunshine coming up through clouds

Sam Charles

Waltham Chase
Planning/Finance and Administration 


Rays of sunshine coming up through clouds

Rob Shaw

Waltham Chase

Open Space


Rays of sunshine coming up through clouds

Stuart Dyne
Chair  Council
Waltham Chase
Planning / Finance & Admin/Open Spaces
Personnel & Procedures
Rights of Way Representative

Rays of sunshine coming up through clouds

Linda Gemmell

Waltham Chase
Planning/Cemetery and Common


Rays of sunshine coming up through clouds

Marian Hazzard
Cemetery & Common/Personnel and Procedures/Open Spaces/Planning

Rays of sunshine coming up through clouds

David Ogden

Waltham Chase
Planning/Cemetery and Common/Open Spaces


Rays of sunshine coming up through clouds

Margaret Jones
Waltham Chase
Finance & Administration / Open Space
Personnel & Procedures / Planning
Droxford & District Relief in Need Charities Representative

Rays of sunshine coming up through clouds

Leza Salter

Chair Finance and Administration
Shedfield/Shirrell Heath
Finance & Administration/Personnel & Procedures

Rays of sunshine coming up through clouds

Ian Strachan

Chair Open Space
Shedfield/Shirrell Health
Open Space
Finance & Admin / Public Transport

Rays of sunshine coming up through clouds

Jane Warwick
Chair C & C
Shedfield/Shirrell Health
Cemetery & Common/Finance and Administration
Personnel and Procedures

Rays of sunshine coming up through clouds

Kara Chadwick
Shedfield/Shirrell Health

Cemetery and Common


Rays of sunshine coming up through clouds

Waltham Chase


Rays of sunshine coming up through clouds

Charlie Oulton
Shedfield/Shirrell Heath

Cemetery and Common/Greening Campaign/Open Spaces


WCC District Councillors - Ward Map https://www.winchester.gov.uk/councillors-committees/ward-map

Rays of sunshine coming up through clouds

Vivian Achwal
Whiteley & Shedfield Ward

Rays of sunshine coming up through clouds

Sudhakra Achwal
 Ward Whiteley and Shedfield

Rays of sunshine coming up through clouds

Anne Small
Whiteley & Shedfield Ward

Rays of sunshine coming up through clouds

Malcolm Wallace
Central Meon Valley Ward

Rays of sunshine coming up through clouds

Suzanne White
Central Meon Valley Ward

Rays of sunshine coming up through clouds

Danny Lee
Central Meon Valley Ward

Rays of sunshine coming up through clouds

Malcolm Wallace
Hampshire County Councillor

Rays of sunshine coming up through clouds



Cemetery & Common

Linda Gemmell

Marian Hazzard
David Ogden

Charlie Oulton
Jane Warwick

Kara Chadwick


Finance & Administration

Stuart Dyne

Marian Hazzard
Margaret Jones
Sam Charles
Ian Strachan
Leza Salter

Francesca Byrne




Open Space

Francesca Byrne
Stuart Dyne
Margaret Jones

David Ogden
Ian Strachan
Marian Hazzard
Rob Shaw

Charlie Oulton


Personnel & Procedures

Stuart Dyne
Margaret Jones
Marian Hazzard
Jane Warwick

Leza Salter


Francesca Byrne
Sam Charles
Stuart Dyne
Linda Gemmell
Marian Hazzard
Margaret Jones
David Ogden


  1. Rights of Way – Cllr Dyne and/or ask Jim Coleman
  2. St John the Baptist School ‘Governor Liaison’ -Marian Hazzard
  3. Swanmore College -Cllr Warwick
  4. Public Transport  - Ian Strachan
  5. Waltham Chase Village Hall – Cllr Charles
  6. Trust 2000 – Cllr Dyne
  7. Droxford and District Relief in Need Charities – Cllr M Jones
  8. Shirrell Heath Allotments – Ailsa Duckworth Assistant Clerk
  9. Southern Parishes – Cllr Charles
  10. SDNP – Cllr Charles
  11. Greening Campaign - Cllr Oulton


If you are interested in becoming a Parish Councillor here is some background information that may help you in your decision making.